Michigan Hill Owners Association
PO Box 65
Como, Colorado 80432


Frequently Asked Questions



News & Updates

Meetings & Activities





Local Info


Question Categories
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
MHOA Board
Burn Pit


Q:  I have a question but I'm not sure if it relates to the Board, the ACC, or a committee. Who should I contact?
A: All Board members will gladly accept your questions using their contact information on the Contacts page. Additionally, you may send your message to the entire Board where your message will be appropriately forwarded by clicking here.

Q: My contact information has changed. Who should I contact with my updated information?
A: It is important to keep your contact information up-to-date so you will continue to receive newsletters and dues notices. Please contact the Board treasurer, with your new contact information. You may email him at Treasurer@MHHOA.com.

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Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

Q: I'd like to make a change to my property. How do I know if the change is something that requires approval from the ACC?
A: If you aren't sure if your proposed change requires approval, please assume that approval IS required. However, before taking the time to fill out an ACC Architectural Submittal Form, feel free to contact any ACC member to find out if approval is necessary. Your questions are welcomed.

Q: How do I get a copy of the ACC Architectural Submittal Form?
A: The ACC Architectural Submittal Form is typically included in the mailed newsletters. If you don't have a copy available to you, a printable copy of the form can be found in the Documents page.

Q: How long after I submit my Architectural Submittal Form can I expect to receive an answer?
A: You will receive a response to your submitted ACC request within 30 days from the date the application was postmarked, faxed or emailed. The response may be approving or denying your request, or the response may be a request for additional information. If you do not receive a response from the ACC within 30 days of the ACC receiving your request, your request is automatically approved.

Q: If my ACC Request is denied, may I re-submit a modified request?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I build a storage shed (accessory structure) on my property if it is vacant land?
A: No, you may not, until you have a primary residence on the property, or obtain a building permit for a primary residence and have an approved installed foundation per Park County Planning and Zoning.

Q: Do I need to sumbit ACC Architectual Submittal Form for a shed if I have a primary residence on my lot?
A: Yes, an ACC request form is required for any size shed. Park County will require a permit for any shed larger than 200 square feet. Park County is in a 110 mph wind zone. Park County requires that sheds up to 200 square feet shall be attached to minimum 8” caissons 24” below undisturbed soil. Sheds over 200 square feet shall be on a permanent foundation, i.e. monolithic or spread footing and stem wall or engineered piers.

Q: How do I contact someone on the ACC?
A: You are encouraged to use the ACC contact information provided on the Contacts page. Or, if it is more convenient, you may click here to send an email to the entire Board and it will be forwarded to the appropriate ACC member.

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Q: When do I pay my MHOA dues?
A: Please read the Dues page for details. If you believe that your dues notice got lost in the mail, please contact the Board Treasurer to find out how much you owe and where to send your dues. Your prompt payment is appreciated by all of us in the MHOA community.

Q: I'd like to contact the owner of a neighboring property. How can I find out who owns the property and how to reach them?
A: You can always contact a Board member using the information provided on the Contact page. Additionally, the Park County Accessor's site has very complete and quickly accessible information. Go to: http://www.parkco.org/ and click on the "Search Park County Property Data" button. Under the search options you can find a list of all Michigan Hill properties by typing in "MICHIGAN HILL" in the Legal Descriptions section. You can also type in last name (try all caps!) in the Name Search section. After you click the "Search" button and the list of results displays, click on the Schedule Number link for a property to see the owner's information.

Q: Does MHOA publish a members directory with ownership and contact information?
A: No, a privacy issue we do not publish membership contact information. To look up the owner of a Michigan Hill property, use the Park County Assessor's site.

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Q: How often are MHOA membership meetings held?
A: Each summer there is an Annual MHOA membership meeting. Watch the Meeting Page and your newsletter for the schedule!

Q: Are MHOA members allowed to attend Board, ACC, and Committee meetings?
A: Not only are members allowed to attend the meetings, members are ENCOURAGED to attend the meetings. Please watch the Meetings Page for upcoming meetings or Contact a Board or ACC member for information.

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MHOA Board

Q: How many members are on the MHOA Board and what are the Board Member term lengths?
A: Term lengths are 2 years and 5 members hold board positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member at Large.

Q: How do I contact a Board Member?
A: Contact information for Board Members is available on the Contacts page.

Q: I'd like to be involved with the MHOA Board. How can I be a part of the board?
A: Election to the board begins with a nomination to run for a membership opening. During the Annual Summer Membership meeting, elections are held for open positions. Between yearly elections, members interested in becoming board members are encouraged to attend board meetings and get involved with existing committees.

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Q: Who is eligible to become a member of an MHOA Committee?
A: Any member with an committee-based interest is welcome to join or form a committee. Talk to a board member for help getting a committee started or if you need information about existing committees, check the Contacts page, watch for information in the quarterly MHOA Newsletter or contact a Board member for current committee information.

Q: I'd like to form a new committee. What do I need to do to get started?
A: Contact a board member for help getting your committee started.

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Burn Pit

Q:  Is the Burn Pit open and can I use it?
A: No, the ComoJefferson Fire Department has permanently closed the MHOA burn pit.

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Q: Are horses permitted to be kept on Michigan Hill?
A: Please note that Michigan Hill was not planned as horse property and is zoned as residential.

Water - our wells are only permitted for inside sanitary use so water will need to be hauled in and it is best to document should the water commissioner do an inspection.

Fencing - any fencing will require ACC approval and a permit from the county. Metal tee post are not permitted, only wood post. MHOA requires a 50' corral/fence setback from the property lines.

Barn (accessory structure) - will require ACC approval and a county permit, also a county requirement regarding distance from any dwelling.

Nuisance - potential issue may be if the horses are considered a nuisance by your neighbors if there is smell and attract flies. County requires routine clearing of all organic waste.

From Park County Land Use Regulations:
1. All corrals, stalls, and barns shall be located at least fifty feet from any dwelling and one hundred feet from any water well.
2. All corrals, stalls, and barns shall be routinely cleared of organic waste.
3. Require 20,000 sq. feet (equivalent of 200' x 100') of corral/fencing space per horse.

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Michigan Hill Owners Association, PO Box 65, Como, CO 80432

Copyright © 1996-